Oct. 10 is World Mental Health Day. This internationally-recognized event is meant to bring awareness to and educate on mental health with the hope of advocating against the stigma of mental illness.
This event was first recognized in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation of Mental Health. In 1994, it was decided that each year the day would be surrounded by a theme; this year’s theme is “Mental Health in an Unequal World.” The World Health Organization supports this day annually, advertising the campaign and providing resources for those who may need them.
Meredith College’s Peer Educators Advocating for Responsible Lifestyles (PEARLS) organization will be recognizing World Mental Health Day by setting up a pop-up booth in the Cate Center on Wednesday, Oct. 13 during the 10 o’clock hour. PEARLS is a club on campus that trains members to become peer educators who may help the student body make informed decisions concerning their health and wellness. According to Rania Abushakra, ‘24, the PEARLS Publicity Chair and Historian, this booth will have “information about mental health, free wristbands [and] a student promoting her mental health podcast.”
Students are encouraged to visit the booth and receive information from their peers concerning how to recognize and maintain mental health. World Mental Health Day supports a concept that should be practiced year round as maintaining one’s mental health is important. Erasing the stigma against those who struggle with their mental health will allow more social acceptance and the possibility of more resources being created.
By Maggie Barnhill, Staff Writer