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Writer's pictureCady Stanley

A Look at Scholar's Day Preparations

Scholar’s Day is an annual event at which potential students come to campus to tour, learn about the opportunities Meredith provides, interview and audition for scholarships. Scholar’s Day will be held in person this year on Saturday, Feb. 18. Preparations are being completed as many different programs and departments prepare for the arrival of future Angels, including the Honors Program, Teaching Scholars Program, Interior Design Program, Theatre Program and more.

According to the Director of Honors and Teaching Scholars Programs, Dr. Cece Toole, The Honors and Teaching Scholars Programs are heavily involved in Scholar’s Day as potential students interview for “academic enhancement opportunities” within these programs. Selected Honors applicants are invited to interview for the prestigious Legacy and Presidential Scholarships, which provide full-ride and full-tuition scholarships, respectively, according to the Meredith Undergraduate Scholarship webpage. In addition to preparing interviews for these applicants, current Honors Program students create schedules unique to each student and lead tours and information sessions. Dr. Toole said, “Prospective students are also able to experience the community of Meredith” through Scholar’s Day and the hard work set forth by current students and faculty.

Dr. Laura E. Prestwood, Associate Professor & Interior Design Program Coordinator, meets weekly with the Admissions Office and representatives from other departments in preparation for Scholar’s Day. On Scholar’s Day, future interior design majors interview for the Shelton Scholarship, a four-year scholarship awarded to four interior design students. The Interior Design Program is accredited by the Council for Interior Design (CIDA). According to Dr. Prestwood, with this accreditation, “graduates are prepared to enter the profession with the required knowledge and skills.” She said, “Scholarships like the Shelton Scholarship enable the program to recruit and retain the brightest and best students for the interior design major.”

The Theatre Program holds auditions on Scholar’s Day to provide scholarships to incoming theatre students. Eight prospective theatre majors will audition and interview on the 18th for one of up to three Siska Theatre Scholarships that will provide funding for four years of study. Professor of Theatre Steven Roten said, “The Siska Theatre Scholarship raises the bar among our future and current students by establishing professional practices early in a student's career.” Professor Roten also explained that this scholarship “improve[s] the overall quality of our student talent” and “raises the status of a Meredith College education among our peer institutions.”

The Art Department will also be welcoming future students on Scholar’s Day. “We are currently planning workshops for the scholars with our Resident Artist, Alexandria Clay, and current students,” said Professor Emily Howard, the Art Department Head and Assistant Professor of Art. Future art students will participate in these workshops, experience the studio spaces and interview with the department’s faculty. Professor Howard explained that the importance of the Scholar’s Day experience for incoming students lies in the opportunity “to connect with our department, both faculty and current students.”

The Department of Music will also be holding auditions for potential music students on Friday, Feb. 17 for students who are interviewing for Honors and Teaching Scholars on Feb. 18. For music students who are otherwise not participating in Scholar’s Day, there will be another audition on Saturday. Dr. Jeanie Wozencraft-Ornellas, the Head of the Department of Music, explained why they hold a separate audition before Scholar’s Day for potential Honors or Teaching Scholars: “Because the audition process is so intense, we have found that students who are interviewing for other programs do not have the necessary time to focus on warming up, rehearsing with their accompanist and the process of performing, interviewing and taking two placement tests.” Potential music majors must receive an acceptance to Meredith and audition for the Department of Music; the auditions later this month are for both admission to the department and Talent Scholarships.

Another program that offers Talent Scholarships but does not participate in Scholar’s Day is the Creative Writing Minor. The Louise Shingleton Shivers Creative Writing Scholarship is awarded to incoming freshmen based on their portfolio submissions, so they do not require a live interview on Scholar’s Day. Professor Ashley Hogan, Director of the Creative Writing Minor, said, “Scholar's Day is a time for all of our scholarship recipients to celebrate their achievements and learn more about what it means to join the Meredith Community. We are excited to welcome new talent to campus!”

Many current students have not participated in a full Scholar’s Day due to COVID-19 regulations, so this Scholar’s Day will be extra exciting. Incoming students will have the opportunity to experience the Meredith community and learn about all that it has to offer, academically and creatively. With many activities on campus, Scholar’s Day will be a full and exciting day for future Angels.

By Cady Stanley, Arts and Entertainment Editor


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