- By Sidney Shank, Staff Writer -
Although the semester has just begun, campus elections are right around the corner! A complete list of the campus-wide and class-affiliated positions that are available can be found on the “Student Leadership & Service” page under the “Students” tab on your Meredith Blackboard site. These positions include:
Student Government Association (SGA) President SGA Vice President SGA Senate Chair SGA Secretary SGA Treasurer and Student Activities Fee (SAF) Chair Student Life Chair Honor Council Chair Elections Board Chair Resident Housing Association (RHA) Chair Association of Meredith Commuters President Wings Adult Student Organization President Meredith Activities Board (MAB) President Meredith Recreation Association (MRA) President
Elections will be held in early February. From the 5th to the 9th, candidates will be allowed to campaign on-campus. On Friday, February 9th, candidates will give open-to-the-public speeches at 10:00 a.m. in Ledford 101. Finally, from February 12th at 8:00 a.m. to February 13th at 5:00 p.m., students will be allowed to vote for their chosen candidates through online ballots distributed by email. Because class affiliation is determined for elections by the number of credit hours an individual student has earned, any student who affiliates with a class that is different from the number of credit hours she has earned may request her affiliated class ballot instead. To request a ballot reclassification, email camcanulty@meredith.edu by February 1st.
If you are planning an election campaign, or if you decide to help a friend with her campaign, don’t forget that there are guidelines for what is and is not allowed in a campaign by the Office of Student Leadership and Service. For the complete list, visit the “Student Leadership & Service” page under the “Students” tab on your Meredith Blackboard site.
To stay up-to-date with elections information, visit the “Student Leadership & Service” page under the “Students” tab on your Meredith Blackboard site. If you have any other questions, contact the Elections Board at elections@email.meredith.edu.