- By Sarah Smerko, Features Editor -
There is nothing like the start of a new semester at sweet MereCo. It is wonderful to see friends who you have not seen all summer, catch up with professors, and get back in the swing of school with new classes. As I was walking to Joyner for my Shakespeare class on the first day of classes, I noticed something different about my second home on campus: Joyner. There was a brand new maroon and white sign with the words “Joyner Hall.” As I walked into the building, I looked up and saw the tried and true old sign still there. My confident senior self thought, Is it really that hard to find Joyner? Why are there two signs?!
Don’t get me wrong, the new building signs look great and are a lot clearer about which building is which. I also appreciate that there are now signs on campus that have campus maps-this would have been very helpful when I was a freshman and thought that every building looked the same! However, there’s just something classic about the old signs. The new signs next to the old campus signs on buildings just looks redundant. Even though I’ll be sad to see the old signs go, only one sign per building is necessary.
Campus has changed a lot since I was a freshman back in the fall of 2014. The Learning Center was renovated, we got a beautiful new fountain, a renovated Johnson Hall and the Jo Ellen Ammons Welcome Center, and most recently, the new Lowery Family Fitness Center. New signs accommodate a changing campus, but for a sentimental gal who likes to hold onto things of the past, the old signs are just fine for me.