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New Positions On Campus

There are a few faculty positions open across Meredith’s campus that multiple departments are seeking to be filled. According to the Meredith College website, the departments of Art, Theatre, Biological Sciences, Human Environmental Sciences, and Nutrition are all looking to hire full-time assistant professors to begin Aug. 1. These positions require proficiency in their field of work and teaching experience.

Dr. Laura Fine, the head of the English department, gave The Herald insight into the English Department’s hiring process. She informed us that the English department is hiring for a postcolonial and world literature position, and, so far, three candidates have been invited to continue in the interviewing process. After the initial interviews, starting late February and continuing into March, more extensive interviews will take place. This is when students will be invited to participate in the process. Dr. Fine said, “the candidates will each give teaching demonstrations to which students will be invited to attend and to fill out feedback forms that the search committee and English dept. faculty will consider in making their final decision.”

Dr. Fine explained that in addition to new positions, the English department is looking to make changes to the major by “adding literature by underrepresented groups' requirements and also developing new courses for our English major and wider general education populations of students.” Courses such as Banned Books, BIPOC Women Activists in Lit, Supernatural Lit, Jane Austen and a topics course in Disability in Literature are all new courses designed to “open up more possibilities for diversity and inclusivity in our literature offerings.”

The Department of Academic Programs is seeking a candidate to fulfill the role of Dean of the School of Education, Health and Human Sciences (EHHS). According to the website, this position is preferred to begin Summer 2023, and the candidate “must have a earned doctorate (Ph.D. or Ed.D) in a field of one of the disciplines in EHHS.” Other various qualifications listed include “demonstrated commitment of advancing diversity, equity and inclusion; and familiarity with specialized accreditation requirements and processes.” The application deadline was Nov. 14, 2022, but, as the website states, “the search remains open until the position is filled.”

Students in classes in these departments should look for emails in the coming months to participate in teaching demonstrations and other parts of the interview process.

By Sarah Eike, Contributing Writer


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