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Speak Out: RBG and Constitution Day

This semester, in celebration of Constitution Day, there was a live reading with a Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RGB) theme hosted by Meredith’s History Department at the Free Expression Boards between Joyner, Vann and the library.

The pieces read for this event ranged from the Declaration of Independence to Justice Ginsburg’s Acceptance Address to various judges’ dissents to the Mexican Constitution. The weight of the subject matter coupled with the speakers’ passion created an enjoyable and educational experience.

Dr. Whitney Manzo, assistant professor of political science, read out a Ginsburg quote: “When I’m sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I say ‘When there are nine,’ people are shocked. But there’d been nine men, and nobody’s ever raised a question about that.” Last to read was the organizer of the event, Dr. Jeff Martinson. He read selections from Ginsburg’s Supreme Court Justice Nomination Acceptance Address. Marketed as a RBG event, only two of the seven readings had direct ties to the Supreme Court Justice visiting Meredith College.

Every year, as ordered by Federal Law, Meredith College must hold an event that deals with the United States of America’s Constitution. Explained by the US Department of Education, recipients of federal funding must “hold an educational program about the U.S. Constitution for its students.” It was Meredith’s decision to also include free coffee, tea and donuts.

By Lilly R. Wood, A&E Editor


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