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Crook Hunt 2022 Underway

A ginkgo tree near the residence halls on campus
Photo by Elinor Shelp-Peck

The Crook Hunt is a Meredith tradition in which the senior class hides a Crook on campus for the Juniors to find. The junior class has a week to search for the Crook, and the senior class releases one clue each day that alludes to the Crook’s location. This year, the Crook Hunt began at 10 a.m. on March 30 and ends at 4:30 p.m. on April 6. If no one finds the Crook, the classes will gather on the patio of Belk Dining Hall for the location reveal and explanation of the clues at 4:30 p.m. on April 6. As of this printing, the Crook has not yet been found.

The senior class can also hide fake Crooks, and prizes are awarded for any fake Crooks found by the junior class. Some rules of the Crook Hunt include specifications as to where the Crook may be hidden: it cannot be hidden in construction zones, in heavily-wooded areas, under lock and key or in a building. In addition, at least one inch of the Crook must be visible when the senior class hides it.

The Senior Class Co-Chairs for this event are Kali Ranke, ‘22, and Kamryn Haut, ‘22. Ranke said she is excited for the Crook Hunt because of the “collaboration between the junior and senior classes as well as the element of competition.”

Ranke told The Herald “[she] feel[s] like many traditions focus on Big/Lil classes whereas this one brings unity between the upper classes.” Ranke and Haut’s job as co-chairs includes hiding the Crook and creating the clues for the junior class.

The Junior Class Co-Chairs are Rachel Van Horne, ’23 and Laura Biwer, ‘23. Both Van Horne and Biwer are “excited to be working together to act as liaisons for the Class of 2023.” Van Horne said she anticipates being able to participate in the tradition and experience “class [bonding] while pursuing the Crook.”

Van Horne and Biwer’s “responsibilities include providing the rules, sharing the clues and sending updates if the Crook is found. If the Crook isn’t found then we will be present…to see where the Senior Class Co-Chairs hid the Crook.”

The first five clues were posted on Instagram: a graphic of a man laying bricks, a picture of a light bulb, the words “never eat soggy waffles,” the words “Campus Security, SMB, Wainwright” with an X over them and a photo of a deck of cards. To view clues, the rules and more information about the co-chairs, visit the MC Crook Hunt Instagram page (@crookhunt2022). Happy Crook Hunt!

By Cady Stanley, Copy Editor


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