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The Sword and Shield of Meredith's Campus, Part 2

Updated: Mar 25, 2021

The guardhouse with a lift in front of it
February renovations to the Meredith guardhouse; photo courtesy of Meredith College

The previous edition of the Herald contained part one of this article, where some insight into Meredith’s security team was shared. But beyond Meredith’s campus police, there are other resources and security measures that keep students safe.

Heidi LeCount is the Director of Residence Life at Meredith College and has served at Meredith since June of 2000. LeCount explained that Meredith’s CamCard system is one of the most effective systems of keeping students safe, but it requires diligence from the students as well. Keeping male guests out of the residence halls when open house hours are not in effect helps to create a bubble of safety and comfort for all students. LeCount also asked that students not allow non-Meredith students into the building if they are not escorted. Although it may be a student’s mother or friend, we never know what the relationships are, and it is that student’s responsibility to keep track of their guests in order to keep themselves and others in the building safe. If you encounter an awkward situation of a guest trying to enter with you, you could tell the guest that their student has to come meet them for safety reasons, for example, or contact your RA, RD or campus police.

LeCount emphasized that much of the residence hall safety and general campus safety is up to students and that “situational awareness is important!” LeCount implored, “If you feel that something is amiss, contact campus police.” These safety measures can’t work if students are not active in their own safety. Being able to recognize our own surroundings and emphasize community is what makes Meredith a safe campus. A piece of advice LeCount offered for being situationally aware is to “check your surroundings. Conduct yourself the way you do at a mall during Christmas. Walk with purpose, walk with a buddy.” Another way students can be active in campus security is to report facility issues. Lighting was improved in the quad and other places around campus upon the request of students who wanted more lights when moving around at night. Students are the ones on campus the most and are most affected by any potential security concerns.

As touched on in part one of this article in the previous edition, Meredith College is an incredibly safe campus, but there are always improvements to be made to keep up with a changing world. These improvements are made by students reporting lighting issues to facilities, alumni and parents funding the guardhouse additions and every individual’s awareness of their situation.

By Savi Swiggard, Staff Writer


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