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Writer's pictureThe Meredith Herald Staff

NetID Email Change

- By Hannah Flood, Staff Writer -

New changes are on the horizon for our student Gmail accounts. Earlier in the month we all received an email from Tech Services informing us that effective Feb. 13th, our NetID password will serve as the password used to access our student email account. This change is strictly for student convenience, so only one password needs to be remembered for all of our Meredith accounts. Although it may seem coincidental that changes to NetID passwords are occurring just as the discussion about transitioning from BlackBoard to Brightspace arises, the changes are completely unrelated.  

As stated at the bottom of the Tech Services informational email, here are some helpful reminders and FAQs concerning this change. Your student Gmail password will not automatically sync with your NetID password on February 13th. After the 13th, when you do change your NetID password, your student Gmail account will automatically sync, so that you only have one password for both NetID and Gmail. You are not required to change your NetID password on February 13th; you are only required to change your password every 180 days. It would be helpful to change the settings on your apps and devices to remember your new password so that you can properly access your Gmail account.


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